OK, so I’ve got a cool free-tier VM from Oracle, running at ARM processors. It’s fast, beefy (4×CPU, 24Gb RAM, 48Gb SSD) and I’m going to use it for my experiments with Docker.
Setup procedure (in case we’re skipping the issue with availability of resource for free VPNs, which often is an issue) looks pretty simple.
Though, getting SSH access to your server is not the end of the story. By default, HTTP and HTTPS access is closed, and turning it on could take some efforts. After spending 1+ hour on research, I’d like to save you this time.
First, you have to set up Ingress rule for your VCN. This step is pretty well described in official documentation (step 3 ‘Enable Internet Access’).
Then you have to turn on HTTP/HTTPS access in a firewall of your Linux box. I’m using Ubuntu Server 2020, and in my case I had run the next commands:sudo iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
sudo netfilter-persistent save
Right after this, HTTP/HTTPS resources are available from outside the VPN.